Yarg Noremac
Enjoy It While You Can
July 26th - August 23rd, 2008
D5 Gallery
Robert Berman Gallery is proud to present the US premiere of artist Yarg Normac in an exhibition entitled “Enjoy It While You Can” which consists of paintings that explore the chaotic and surreal world of rock concerts through his method of reality alteration.
Noremac has been following rock bands in America and Europe for the past several years, photographing young music fans at rock concerts. He then paints from the photographs, breaking them up into smaller pieces, creating a fragmented, hallucinogenic version of the moments he's experienced. His previous work was a series of portraits of chickens, plucked nude or dressed in revealing bathing suits, but always turned away from us while looking back, craning their necks, reminiscent of the well crafted pose of the young ingénue posing for her admiring fans. Normac’s work deals with the relationship between the entertainer and their devotees, while somehow capturing what is sacred in that exchange.
Yarg Normac was born in 1981 in Eckonförde, Germany. He attended the prestigious Kunstakademie in Düsseldorf, Germany and graduated in 2007. Normac currently lives and works in Los Angeles.
Selected Images:


Blessed are the Pure of Heart, for they Shall be called the Sons of God, 2008,
Oil on wood tiles glued to panel, 32 x 50 inches


Blessed are the Pure of Heart, for they Shall be called the Sons of God (small version), 2008,
Oil on wood tiles glued to panel, 13 x 21 inches


Iron Sharpeth IRON!, 2008, Oil on wood tiles glued to panel, 32 x 50 inches

Limitless, Undying love, 2008,
Oil on wood tiles glued to panel, 18.5 x 35.4 inches

Oh Come, Let us Worship, 2008, Acrylic and oil on masonite, 16 x 25 inches


Our Days are Like a Passing Shadow, 2008, Oil on wood tiles glued to panel, 13 x 21 inches

Reason Has Limits, 2008, Oil on wood tiles glued to panel, 21 x 28 inches


It’s not the Sound of Victory, it is not the Sound of Defeat, It’s the Sound of Rock n Roll I Hear. 2008, Oil on wood tiles glued to panel, 82.5 x 50 inches


It’s not the Sound of Victory, it is not the Sound of Defeat, It’s the Sound of Rock n Roll I Hear (small version), 2008, Oil on wood tiles glued to panel, 40 x 25 inches